Monday, October 27, 2008


When I was born, my parents had a special blanket for me. While I wasn't one of the kids that carried it everywhere with me, I did sleep with it every night. That blanket made me feel safe and when my room was dark and I was alone for the night, it helped me fall asleep. I have found a new blankie here in Madagascar-my mesquito net. Peace Corps issues each Volunteer a mesquito net to help prevent malaria. I never would have imagined that it would bring me so much comfort. When I'm lying in my bed at night, in a room where a candle provides the only light, ten thousand miles away from home, I feel safe under the mesquito net. Sure, there may be huge cockroaches, rats, and malaria mesquitos roaming around but for some reason I feel confident that this thin layer of mesh will keep me out of harms way. I also often smile when I think about it because I remember when my younger sister, Kady, used to have one hanging above her bed for decoration. Back then I never would have imagined that one day I would be using one for its intended purpose. But then again I never really thought I'd be living in Africa either. It's funny the paths we choose to take and where we end up but I'm glad that my path has led me to Madagascar.

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