Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tropical Island What?

I live on this "tropical" island yet prior to last week I hadn't even caught a glimpse the ocean. All that changed when I took my first vacation to the lovely island off the east coast of Madagascar known as St.Marie. I'm not even a good photographer and this picture came out postcard perfect.

After the training that marked our 3 month mark at site earlier this month, a group of the Environment-SED '08-'10 group decided to take a little vacay. Since Peace Corps gives us a $24 USD "vacation allowance" monthly, flying, though must faster, wasn't an option. Instead we taxi-broussed (think minibus) about 12 hours from Antananarivo to Soanierana-Ivongo, where we took a boat across to Ile St. Marie. The taxi-brousse wasn't so bad, since there were enough of us to rent the whole thing out and Madagascar doesn't have an option container law, but the boat was a different story. Imagine a wooden boat with about 50 people stuffed in it, being powered by a motor that probably belongs on a moped. It was a sad sight. But we made it safely and now look back at the wonderful boat ride and laugh. (I think.)

Ile St. Marie is a tropical paradise. Even though it is whale season right now (humpback whales swim through the channel between Madagascar and St. Marie from June to September, an amazing sight) the beaches were deserted and made us feel like we had the whole island to ourselves. We biked north to see waterfalls, hiked south to the most perfect beaches, and spent the time in between drinking punch coco (a delicious rum and coconut concoction) and enjoying fresh seafood. We even got to see the only pirate cemetary in the world! It was an amazing time with amazing people.

So now it is back to the plateau, re-energized and ready to go!


Unknown said...

Hello Sasha! Wow. What a place that St. Marie is indeed. Doesn't get much more tropical than that. You look very good and happy. That is nice to see. Your email arrived in my inbox about the same time I was wondering how things were going for you. I see you are for sure a very busy PCV. Now you have me using abbreviations. I guess it is much easier than typing it all out. Do you need anything in particular that I can send you? Shoot me an email if you do and I'll see what I can do. Me. I am running/training as usual. Next up is the North Country Trail 50 Mile trail race in Manistee, MI on 09/20. I hope to do well there. Other than that, work is WORK! Take care of yourself. -craig

Matt said...

I just wannted to say a quick hello and tell you that i have been thinking about you. Kady has so many good things to say about you and i am looking forward to the day that you and i can finally meet in peson. I have been keeping up with your travels and i wish you only succcess and fulfillment. By the way, if my name does not ring a bell i am your sisters boyfriend. Anyway, take care of yourself and i look forward to hearing from you soon.


Matt said...

I'm so sorry that i spelled your name wrong....typing has never been one of my stronger points! I promise you that it won't happen again.

