Thursday, March 13, 2008

Peace Corps Bootcamp

Greetings from Madagascar!

I have been in Peace Corps bootcamp for the past 3 weeks. I am going to give you guys a typical day in my life right now.

6 am Wake up to a rooster. Clean my bedroom floor with half of a coconut. Fetch some water and take a bucket "shower." Have some yummy rice and ground peanuts for breakfast.

7:30 am Lots of Peace Corps training, everything from medical to safety to business tech sessions to language.

noon Lunch with my host family. More rice and lots of cucumbers, carrots, and bananas, but not all together.

1:30 to 6ish More training.

7 pm Dinner with my host family, who don't speak English. I try to speak Malagasy and they find it very amusing.

8 pm I'm banished to my room, where I write or study by candlelight.

So no running water or electricity, and rice 3 times a day but I'm loving it! Madagascar is awesome. The business development program is amazing too, although intense. One day we had Malagasy language class for 4 hours then an hour and a half meeting completely in French! Intense fo sho. There is so much more that I will fill you guys in on, so please stay tuned!

Miss you all dearly! Oh and write me some letters already!


Unknown said...

You are definitely in another world. I suppose you will get used to living well within your $3/day ration. Things must be super cheap for sure. Faiz and I just received your letter. It was dated March 6 and today is April 22. Now that is some slow mailing system. Work is the same day in and day out. I enjoy it for the most part. Pam and I just arrived back from Florida. Spent a week at her Boss' Condo in Indian Harbor Beach off the Atlantic Ocean. Alot of fun/relaxation. Take care of yourself(be safe please). Craig

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